Saturday, November 17, 2018

Municipal Broadband

Municipal Broadband. This is basically internet that is deployed and run by the city. Let's face it, in today's world internet is no longer a luxury but rather it is a utility. I believed everyone should have access to broadband internet and with all the colleges and the booming medical campus, our city has to have the technological infrastructure needed to lure the best and brightest minds in the world. When I look for a home check to see what kind of internet they offer at that location, right now if they don't have 1gig internet I don't want it.  That's just me and I am a geek. If our city had a municipal broadband we could create new jobs across the board that would be all locally sourced which would strengthen the community. It would also force the current providers to lower their prices to be able to compete with the municipal broadband pricing. There are many places around the US that are using this model and I believe Buffalo would be an ideal location to help this city be a smart city.

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